Begoña García Malaxechebarría

Third year PH.D. student at University of Washington

I am a Ph.D. student and Predoctoral Teaching Associate at the Department of Mathematics, University of Washington. I completed my undergraduate degree in Mathematics at Universidad de Murcia in 2021, supervised by Ángel Ferrández Izquierdo. My current research focuses on analyzing and scaling limits of stochastic algorithms for large-scale problems in data science. I employ tools from convex and nonsmooth optimization, high-dimensional probability, and statistics. I work closely with my advisor, Dmitriy Drusvyatskiy, and my mentor, Courtney Paquette.



The High Line: Exact Risk and Learning Rate Curves of Stochastic Adaptive Learning Rate Algorithms

ARXIV 2024    pdf

Elizabeth Collins-Woodfin, Inbar Seroussi, Begoña García Malaxechebarría, Andrew W. Mackenzie, Elliot Paquette, Courtney Paquette

A separable Banach lattice that contains isometric copies of all others

2021    pdf

Begoña García Malaxechebarría

Senior Thesis Project supervised by Antonio Avilés López and José David Rodríguez Abellán, awarded with honors.



IJAM 2020    pdf

J. Carmelo Interlando, Antonio A. Andrade, Begoña García Malaxechebarría, Agnaldo J. Ferrari, Robson R. de Araújo



MonetGAN. Painting with Generative Adversarial Networks: Generating Monet-Style Images Using Novel Techniques

2023    pdf    code

Garrett Devereux, Deekshita S. Doli, Begoña García Malaxechebarría

This project was developed as part of the graduate deep learning class at University of Washington, instructed by Ranjay Krishna and Aditya Kusupati.


Teaching Assistant

MATH 112: Application of Calculus to Business and Economics
MATH 120: Precalculus
MATH 124: Calculus with Analytic Geometry I
University of Washington
Fall 2021 - Spring 2023

Washington Directed Reading Program Mentor

Directed an undergraduate’s independent research addressing physical problems involving ODEs
University of Washington
Winter 2023

Math Tutor

Guided students to academic excellence in projects, assignments, and university entrance exams
Summer 2019 - Spring 2021

Socio-Educational Volunteer

Implemented educational support services in English, Spanish, and math aimed at at-risk youth
Fundación FADE
Fall 2015 - Spring 2018

Awards & Certifications

  • Top Scholar Award - University of Washington, Fall 2021

    Based on strong record and close fit to the department, it exempts the recipient from teaching responsibilities for one quarter.

  • Graduated with 21 Honors - Universidad de Murcia, Spring 2021

    Academic award granted to the top 5% students in each course that entails a tuition waiver for the following year.

  • Collaborative Research Fellowship - Ministry of Education (Spain), Fall 2020

    Aimed to facilitate my undergraduate research in "Geometric Lattices" with the Differential and Convex Geometry research group of Universidad de Murcia, deemed an “Excellency Research Group” by Murcia’s regional government.

  • Dean's List - San Diego State University, Fall 2019 - Spring 2020

    Academic recognition for good academic standing, and a term grade point average of 3.5 in a minimum of 12 graded units.

  • Fellowship for Talented Students - Ministry of Education (Spain), Fall 2017

    Awarded to high-achieving students recognized for their outstanding academic accomplishments.